Platform Update

Twitter, oh twitter. So far on twitter I have 13 followers, I have found it pretty interesting because I have followers that I don’t know. I get random people that just start following me out of the blue, I have also found that I have come across quite a few useful social media twitterer’s. I have been posting tweets a few times a week, and have also sent a few messages to people in the class. So far, I feel as though I’ve been successful in my twitter experiences.

Snap Chat has been a weird experience, I have troubles with my phone so sometimes I can’t view a snap chat. However I question the philosophy of simple sending a picture for a few seconds. Of course I have had those occasional snaps that are exceptionally funny and make me laugh, but then it’s gone. Lost somewhere in the cloud. What do we do with this? What’s the point of a snap chat?

For LinkedIn I have ran across on twitter a few articles that I plan to look over on how to use LinkedIn including:

So I am still researching how LinkedIn works, and am hoping to get farther in LinkedIn by the end of the week to start making those professional connections.

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